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Tuesday 14 June 2016

WWE RAW 13/6/2016 Review

WWE RAW 13/6/2016

Opening segment

Angle : The New Day Promo

Participants : The New Day,Enzo,Big Cass,The Club,The Vaudevillains
Grades : B-
Ratings : 3***1/4
Thoughts/Reactions : This is hilarious lol Enzo and Cass.As final hype for Sunday's tag title match, this accomplished very little.



Participants : New Day,Enzo,Cass,Vaudevillains,Club
Results : The Vaudevillains & The Club win
Grades : B+
Ratings : 3***1/2
Thoughts/Reactions : an okay tag team match

Angle : Rusev Attacks Titus O'Neil

Participants : Titus O'Neil,Rusev
Grades : C+
Ratings : 3***
Thoughts/Reactions : After having his ego bruised on Thursday night, Rusev snapped and attacked O'Neil, showing cracks in his recent calm, cool personality.

Angle : 'The Ambrose Asylum' with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

Participants : Ambrose,Rollins,Reigns
Grades : A
Ratings : 4****1/4
Aftermaths : Rollins shoves Ambrose to Reigns,Reigns attacks Rollins before Ambrose 'Dirty Deeds' Reigns
Thoughts/Reactions : This was extremely well done in that it presented fans with a look at the long history between the three competitors, built to the title match at Sunday's pay-per-view and teased the potential involvement of Ambrose in the night's festivities.

Participants : Paige,Charlotte
Results : Paige wins
Grades : D
Ratings : 2**
Thoughts/Reactions : The result is an underwhelming use of the women and a definitive cooling-off of the women's revolution.


Participants : Sheamus,Ryder
Results : Sheamus wins
Grades : D
Ratings : 2**
Aftermaths : Apollo Crews attacked Sheamus who escaped through audience
Thoughts/Reactions : urghh another lazy and poor booking,WWE !


Participants : Cesaro,Zayn
Results : Zayn wins
Grades : B
Ratings : 3***1/2
Thoughts/Reactions : There is no such thing as a bad Zayn-Cesaro match. The WWE Universe unfamiliar with their work in NXT got just a small sampling of the magic they can work with each other when paired together. Their action is crisp, fluid and looks very much like poetry in motion.

Angle : John Cena-AJ Styles Contract Signing

Participants : Cena,Styles
Grades : A
Ratings : 4****1/4
Thoughts/Reactions : This was the best segment of the night and had nothing to do with "shoot"-like comments between the two. Instead, it was the passion demonstrated by Styles, who looks like a guy still determined to prove himself against the top star in the industry.


Participants : Lucha Dragons,Owens,Del Rio
Results : Owens & Del Rio win
Grades : B-
Ratings : 3***
Thoughts/Reactions : The action was solid enough, but this was more about the story of dissension between Owens and Del Rio than anything else.

Participants : Ambrose,Y2J
Results : Ambrose wins
Grades : B
Ratings : 3***
Aftermaths : All participants attack each other and Jericho stood tall as the last man standing
Thoughts/Reactions : It was very difficult to get invested in the match. Jericho vs. Ambrose has been incredibly overexposed in recent weeks, and though it's no fault of their own, the contest had a very "been there, done that" feel to it.

Overall Ratings : 3***1/4
Final Grades : B

Final Thoughts/Reactions : nah i'm probably not happy with RAW but a couple of things like The Shield 'little' reunion and the Cena-Styles segment made my day,see you this sunday the Money In The Bank PPV!!

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